The Vanish plugin allows admins or other users with permission to become invisible.

When Vanished, you will be completely invisible from other players. In addition, auto turrets, traps, helicopters & NPCs will not be able to see you, touch you or kill you.

While in vanished mode, you can hear players but they will not be able to hear  you. However, they can hear the sound effects of objects you shoot at or break.


The Vanish plugin uses the Oxide permission system. To assign permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.

Example of assigning permissions to the admin group:

oxide.grant group admin vanish.allow

Example of assigning permissions to the default group:

oxide.grant group default vanish.allow

Use caution when assigning this permission to players.

How to enter vanish mode

To vanish in game, simply type /vanish in the in-game chat.

How to exit vanish mode

To exit vanish in game, simply type /vanish in the in-game chat.


  • vanish – Turn vanish mode on & off.
  • collider – Turn collider on & off. Turning on will register traps, radiation & makes certain sounds but still allow you to noclip while invisible.

Video demonstration